The other night I had the chance to help a friend out by covering a MSTRKRFT show and interview. Now, I feel I shouldn't say too much about it as it hasn't been aired yet, but we did get the chance to talk about the ever changing electronic music scene, the art of remixing, and what the guys have in store for the new year. The guys explained that they were going to try to stay away from the remixing for a while to focus on other things. We then asked them if they ever wanted to dabble with any hip-hop remixes, as their tracks to date are almost exclusively indie rock or dance groups. They revealed that they had in fact been recently approached by a hip-hop artist, not really indicating though if this would be a remix or collaborative effort. When we tried to get the name of the artist out of them they kept quiet, but did say that to do something like this, it would have to be someone fairly significant in the game and a means to move them forward as artists. I like to think it's going to be with Kanye with the whole A-trak connection. As for the set itself, I had heard mixed things about their performance, but I was pretty into the show. In between filming I was able to dance to a great remix of 'Genesis' by Justice along with some other unheard goodies. Too bad the girl beside me kept calling me a Unicorn..and other various mythological beasts.
- Matty B.
dude, i think that's just justice playing their own track. looks and sounds very familiar...
Ya that wasnt me, it was one of the other BTA ians...who should know better! Look at the cross!
It's a Kid Sister remix. JFK said so on their own forum.
here's a live video of 'street justice' instead.
They also said they just finished a Kylie Minouge remix. I think it is Kanye as well, they way they were talking it sounded like someone bigger than Kid Sister.
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