bridgingtheatlantic: A Lesson in Crime left everyone wanting more. Were you guys under a lot of pressure for the new album?
Greg: We were definitely under alot of pressure. It took a while to figure out what we want to do with it. We would come up with a bridge or a chorus and we’d have these few false starts here and there. We would come out with one or two tracks and be like "OK cool. What next, you know?"
BTA: Is this a weight off your shoulders to get this first full length out?
G: Yeah Having the album out now is like we'll hopefully be solidifying our place. We hope that we're not just a flash in the pan.
BTA: Do you guys think that you'll “break it” with this record?
G: We hope it will. But like, we won’t stop playing shows no matter what happens. If it doesn’t happen hopefully people will still be coming. It’s what we love to do. If this becomes something bigger than yeah.
BTA: So you guys started with A Lesson in Crime and it kinda blew up around here and were called in to do pop Montreal? Was that the big turning point?
G: It was a huge turning point.
BTA: You guys like to keep your songs to the point. Your EP is only 16 minutes long. The new record just falls short of a half hour. Do you write your songs with a time frame in mind?
G: No, it kinda just turns out that way. Its not like we have a timer that buzzes and we’re like "ok, thats the song". We just feel that we don’t need to say anymore. We don’t feel it necessary to, you know, add another bridge or a chorus just to make it a little more radio friendly.
BTA: I was reading last night that you guys did some t-shirts for Playboy? What's up with that?
G: Ha-ha yeah, um. I don’t really know what’s going on with that. Its for some type of charity I least I hope it is. We also did the red campaign for AIDS in Africa. I think we feel like we have a little bit of responsibility to those kinds of things.
BTA: You just mentioned feeling a little responsible, I know he’s the scapegoat but do you think artists like Bono take it too far?
G: We don’t want a cause to over shadow the music. I think there is a lot of danger of that happening with those kinds of things. You know I can’t say anything bad about Bono, he's doing great things .
BTA: How was the transition to Saddle Creek?
G: We've really been enjoying it. So far they have been fantastic to us. When it came down to it we just had a gut feeling that we wanted to work with those people. The way they have taken their hometown scene and made it international while still keeping true to their roots is very much the way we want to do things. There are also a lot of great bands that are on the label; bright eyes, cursive. And they've always done it their way, never having to compromise their sound for anyone.
BTA: Ruby Coast has been the huge buzz lately at the BTA offices and I use office very, very loosely.
G: Oh that’s great, I’m really glad that they're starting to take off.
BTA: can you tell us a little bit about Ruby Coast?
G: um yeah, we played a show with them at a talent show at Newmarket High after we had graduated. and afterwords we were all like "wow they're really cool" and we sat and chatted after the show. they're actually good friends with my sister. and now i believe we're playing two shows with them in Ottawa and Montreal. but yeah, i hope all the best for them.
BTA: last question, how do you feel about the Newmarket Hurricanes losing in the first round of the playoffs?
G: I don’t care really.
neither do we.
MF Blaz