Wednesday, January 07, 2009

casiotone for the painfully alone.

What led me to this video was an odd series of occurrences, and since I've now become slightly obsessed with it, it is essential that I share it.

To make a long story short, I received a phone call (complete with interpreter) from Brazil, which led me to hunt down a missing parcel from a man submitting a show idea to my work. Not having the proper resources to help him, I then had to write him an email to point him in another direction. So I googled the CFTPA (Canadian Film & Television Production Association) to provide him with their contact information...

Lucky for me, this website is kind of hard to find and another title got my attention: casiotone for the painfully alone's journal. I was then drawn to this:

Was this post a longwinded story about nothing? Maybe. Does this video include zebra-unicorns and dancing cats? Absolutely. This is the CFTPA MySpace. Enjoy!


Brad said...

the dog riding the tiger? is amazing.

a.m.p.m. said...

these guys are actually really good. what an excellent random discovery.