After much consideration (and procrastination), i've compiled my favourite songs of this past year. what follows is my 'best of two thousand and eight' compilation, in no particular order. Special mention to Chad VanGaalen (whose art illustrates this post), the man behind my pick for best album of the year - Soft Airplane.
1. Happens To Us All Otherwise -Bound Stems
2. Bare Feet On Wet Griptape - Chad VanGaalen
3. Casscade Kisses - François Virot
4. Give a Little Love - Noah and the Whale
5. Last Day of Magic - The Kills
6. Ships and Clouds - Jim Noir
7. Language City - Wolf Parade
8. Buildings and Mountains - The Republic Tigers
9. Buriedfed - Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson
10. Some Are Lakes - Land of Talk
11. Furr - Blitzen Trapper
12. Le Compteur - Karkwa
13. Life Like - Rosebuds
14. Dream Cars - Neon Neon
15. Blind - Hercules & Love Affair
16. Rat is Dead (Rage) - CSS
17. Torn Blue Foam Couch - Grand Archives
18. re: stacks - Bon Iver
19. Metal Heart - Cat Power
Here it is, for your downloading pleasure!
Part 1
Part 2
choo choo
what does that even mean?
Hey Brige, to give you some slightly more eloquent feedback, this is an excellent collection that once again demonstrates your impeccable taste. Quite a few new discovered here I need to investigate...
fantastic mix, bn. i missed a few of these last year and i'm loving them now.
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