Uh oh! New Wave, the July 10th release from Floridians Against Me!, is on a major label (Sire Records) with a big-time producer (Butch Vig) and plenty of promotion. Recipe for disaster, you say?
Not necessarily. The songs here are still typically explosive AM! fare and Tom Gabel's scathing lyrics still describe the trials and tribulations of losers, lovers and haters. And yeah, the production is wicked sharp. Multiple lineup changes, stolen demos and acusations of selling out don't seem to have phased the band, and it's evident upon listening to tracks such as 'Piss and Vinegar', 'Thrash Unreal' and 'Stop' that that Against Me! have not lost their edge or shifted in their stance against corporate America.
A warning: those of you seeking Against Me! acoustic punk from days of yore best look elsewhere; there's no 'Joy' to be found on this album. However, 'Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart' is a pretty sweet duet with Tegan Quin from Tegan and Sara that folks seem to like a whole lot.
Against Me! - Thrash Unreal
Against Me! - Stop
- a.m.p.m.
Against Me! - Thrash Unreal
Against Me! - Stop
- a.m.p.m.
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