Hailing from Cardiff, UK Los Campesinos! is comprised of 7 team members; 4 dudes and 3 lady friends (who might I add are super cute...and if any of you ladies are reading this, "Hello!"). Their latest output and their first full length entitled Hold On Now, Youngster is, as I mentioned before, a whole lot of fun. It mixes messy pop hooks and guitar solos with a playful atmosphere that gets you bouncing in your seat...or wherever you happened to be. The dynamics and obvious chemistry between the two singers make it possible for people to connect with them. They sound like to best friends having a conversation with each other which in turn draws you in. Another A+ goes to the team chanting moments...but I'm a big sucker for team chanting.
The album is available for digital download here and it comes highly recommended from this blogger.
Los Campesinos! - Death to Los Campesinos!
Los Campesinos! - You! Me! Dancing!
MF Blaz
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