Saturday, February 23, 2008

Music For Midnight: Zach Lipkins

One of my favorite parts about writing for Bridging the Atlantic is getting emails with completely new music. I've spent at least the last three years rrrrrreally digging for it and it's so great to have people send it right to our email account. Thanks alot guys, please, keep it coming.

Zack Lipkins was one of those people who sent us his myspace and frankly I was pulled in within the first 30 seconds of 'Overneath'. What I was drawn into was the naturally electronic sound of the instruments that were added in subtle but effective layers. Its hard to describe the sound of 'naturally electronic' but artists like Telefon Tel Aviv really encapsulate it. They're obviously made or altered by a computer but the sound is very organic. Like I said, it's hard to explain. While Telefon Tel Aviv are a world more 'naturally electronic' than Zack, he has the very same basic elements. He adds quick breaks that keep you progressively more intrigued and interested. And as the title suggests, it is definitely required late-night listening. The music works so well in your headphones, weaving patterns and images in the back of your mind.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that I was tripping on acid.

Wait a tick...

Zack Lipkins - Overneath
Zach Lipkins - Magnets and Velcron
Telefon Tel Aviv - Fahrenheit Fair Enough

MF Blaz

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