In the interests of balance, I feel compelled to stand up for the heartless, cynical populous who fail to subscribe to the enforced jollity, mass tree slaughtering and financial misery of this time of year. Those of us who sink into depression from the impending aural assaults from the latest X-Factor winner, novelty record or, gulp, Cliff Richard single that infest the airwaves in pursuit of the coveted Xmas no. 1 slot.
For Scrooge worshippers everywhere, I offer you Three Litre's anti-yuletide anthem, "I Hate Christmas". A storming indie pop song with insightful, tongue in cheek lyrics, and melodies Morrissey would be proud to call his own. Guaranteed to warm your soul even when you're coerced into wearing that tacky yellow paper hat.
Three Litre - I Hate Christmas
Three Litre - A Girl From The Industry
You can buy these and many of the band's other great ditties at: http://www.arkade.com/three_litre
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