"If you ever needed evidence of how middle class a festival Latitude is, Marcus Brigstock is your paper boy". A line delivered as he dispensed the Guardian to a member of the crowd asking why the Murdoch-owned Times was the only newspaper available on site. Reading Festival, this is not.
To prolong the festival vibe, one of my friends has organised a post Latitude revival party. We're meant to bring something cultural along and share it with the group. A mix-tape of the key moments of the festival was the obvious choice. Here it is:
1. Kitty, Daisy & Lewis - Going Up The Country
2. Standard Fare - Philadelphia
3. Yeasayer - ONE
4. Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
5. Belle & Sebastian - The Boy With The Arab Strap
6. Laura Marling - Hope In The Air
7. Florence & The Machine - Rabbit Heart
8. The Temper Trap - Love's Lost
9. The Coral - Dreaming of You
10. The Horrors - Who Can Say
11. Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
12. The Middle East - The Darkest Side
13. Jonsi - Go Do
14. The Antlers - Atrophy
15. Frank Turner - Photosynthesis
Sprinkled among the more established names, there's a few new bands here worthy of your attention.
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