As I skimmed the almost 9,000 emails that remained unread in the BTA inbox, one caught my attention, in the subject it had the word "Winnipeg" the city from which Boats hails. I don't know why this appealed to me, but I figured..."What the hell, I'll check it out!" With that said, you can see that our screening criteria for Inbox Wednesday is very stringent.
Nevertheless, within the first two bars of "Chrome Eyelids", I was sold. The vocals on "Cannonballs, Cannonballs!" come across with a vulnerable confidence and lead a chorus of beating chants. Add a synth, a xylophone, a chugga-chugga drum pattern and the occasional horn and Boats creates a very pleasing sound. Boats' sound ventures from indie, to grunge and floats on folk-esque simplicity.
Boats will soon commence a thorough tour of Canada, so if you have the chance, check them out. I know I will when they hit Raw Sugar in Ottawa on October 9th with Casiotone for the Painfully Alone.
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